Health & Wellbeing

Improving personal health and wellbeing

Mental and emotional health, physical health and a healthy lifestyle all contribute to an individual’s health and wellbeing. The following section includes definitions of each of these facets of health, why they matter and things to consider. Health and wellbeing issues will change with time, not only because of pandemics or the economic environment but also as the societal concept of health and wellbeing changes. The last few years has seen post-traumatic stress disorder, financial stress and the wellbeing impact of menopause become more relevant and visible in the workplace. Our evaluation of health and wellbeing needs to bear this ever-changing landscape in mind.

  • Mental and emotional health
    • supporting the management of active mental disorders and day-to-day stressors to ensure a person’s ongoing wellbeing and happiness is maintained.
  • Physical health
    • for most NHS organisations, physical health will focus on musculoskeletal health which is an important component of maintaining a person’s functional abilities, both in and out of work.
  • Healthy lifestyle
    • not all diseases are preventable but a large proportion of deaths, particularly those from coronary heart disease and lung cancer, can be avoided. Health is not only about avoiding disease – diet, exercise, hydration and sleep are essential.

5 Ways to Wellbeing


When life gets challenging, family, friends and strong community networks can help give you the strength to cope during a crisis. Loneliness is a common problem for many people. It can happen at any stage in life, although older people are particularly vulnerable, especially after the loss of a partner.

However, all of us can help and make a difference with this important issue. Evidence has shown that people receive higher levels of satisfaction when becoming more involved with people in their community. We can also benefit from having a wide range of contacts and personal relationships.

Be Active

Regular activity can boost your self-esteem and energy levels, and can help prevent ill health. Simply moving your body in any way has both physical and mental health benefits, and making it part of your daily routine will have lasting benefits for life.

Try walking in the park, playing tag with the kids, dancing, swimming or spring cleaning the house! This all counts as you ‘Being Active’, so just choose something that you enjoy that suits your fitness level and give it a go.

Did you know?

Experts believe that exercise releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good, as well as helping you to concentrate, sleep, look and feel better.

Take Notice

How often do you feel that you never have a minute to yourself, or haven’t been able to sleep because of too many thoughts rushing around in your mind? Does the pace of daily life take away the chance of having time to think about yourself?

Did you know?

Parks in Tameside include nature trails, walks, children’s play areas, bowling greens, as well as many more facilities and activities. They can be peaceful places amongst natural beauty – a perfect place to help the mind be still, relax and ‘take notice’ to directly enhance your wellbeing.

Keep Learning

Learning doesn’t just mean studying for qualifications, it’s something we all need to do throughout our lives. You can build on skills you already have, update old ones or develop completely new ones.

Learning new things will make you more confident, raise your self esteem and it can also be fun.

Learning often involves setting personal goals. When we achieve these goals, we are likely to feel more satisfied and feel better about ourselves. When we learn with others, it also helps us to Connect.


Research shows that giving makes us feel happy and is good for our health. Even the smallest act can count. Just bringing in your neighbour’s wheelie-bin or volunteering with a local community group can improve your mental wellbeing and help you build new social networks to Connect.

There is evidence to show that different forms of generosity reduce stress levels. This leads to better health and increased life expectancy. So, giving is good for us. Why not start with just one act of kindness towards another person. Start practising now and see where it takes you!